We have been adding a lot to our garden over the past few weeks and it is really starting to come around. We have had our gardens in the past, but this year we really wanted to expand it and next year we will be adding a green house and a large fence to keep out the deer. We have a ton of deer around here.
Our meat chickens are already on week five! Three more weeks and it will be time to butcher. Time goes by so fast. When we purchased the meat chickens, we also purchased a single egg layer to raise with them. Check out the video below to see the difference in growth between an egg layer and a meat chicken after five weeks. It is incredible.
I mentioned this in our last blog, but we are very excited about our online store that we will be opening next month (July). Janel and I have been working hard at building stuff and have already sold some signs. We are so thankful that the good Lord has blessed us with this opportunity. It has always been a dream of ours to live this lifestyle full time. Modern Homesteading is such a wonderful lifestyle that brings much fulfillment and peace. Stay tuned as I will be updating our website in the next couple of weeks. I will be upgrading to add the store. I will blog about some of the items that will be available. What an exciting time here at the Homestead.
In other news, we will be adding some sheep to the Homestead next month. I just built a new stall in the barn for the sheep. We are looking at some purebreds that we can shear and we will be adding those products to our Homestead store online. I can't wait to get into shearing and spinning wool.
We finished up the homeschool year last week at the Homestead. Janel is such a blessing to me. I love her so much! She is a wonderful wife and mother. The amount of work she puts in homeschooling our children is amazing. She is also a certified evaluator for the state of Pennsylvania, so she does a lot of required evaluations for many other homeschool families.
Finally....we know a lot of people who are going through hard times. There is a lot of turmoil out there! We count it a privilege to pray for those in need. If you need prayer, please reach out via our contact page. Even in turmoil and tribulation, you can experience peace. It comes through our wonderful Savior Yeshua! Consider this beautiful passage of Scripture from Philippians 4:6-7:
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
What a wonderful promise from the Most High God! We can have peace in the midst of this crazy world. Trust in Him and lay your burdens at the Cross!
Thanks for checking in and God bless! -Steve