Just a couple quick updates from around the Homestead.
Our little Payton just turned 5 months old! Wow does time fly. Last night I was looking through some of my hard drives trying to find something from 6 years ago and I came across a bunch of my older videos of the kids. Janel and I watched a few of them and it makes you realize how fast time goes by. We need to make every moment count as time is something that we can never get back. I am so thankful for my beautiful kiddo's!
Job update....I had an interview last Monday (see previous blog post). I didn't get the position. I was bummed at first, but after I thought about it, I am totally at peace with it. It was the good Lord leading! When the recruiter had called me first to set up the interview, he told me a bunch of information about the position and we even agreed on compensation. When I arrived at the interview, the job was completely different than what the recruiter had told me! I was very disappointed, but I didn't rule the job out. When I got home, I talked with Janel and we were debating turning it down if I was offered it. I was one of 5 candidates, and they went with someone else.
This was only the second time in my life that I went for an interview and didn't get offered the position. I always pray that the Lord would shut doors in my life to make it clear, so when that happens I am at peace. In this case I am totally at peace and thankful for the leading of the Lord!
My long term goal is to get to the point of being 100% self employed. We have money coming in, but just not enough to live comfortably. My goal is to get the welding shop to bring in some income and to homestead full time. That has always been what I wanted to do. That is what brings me the most joy! Praying the Most High opens the door for that to happen.
Other updates around the Homestead....we are having a very mild winter. Very odd for us. This has got to be one of the lowest snow totals we've had in a long time. The temperatures have been milder as well. It seems we will get a snow storm and then in a week it melts. Then we'll get more and it melts. We haven't had a long spell of cold to keep the ground frozen so it turns into a muddy mess. Usually it is cold out and the ground is frozen for the winter. We've been dealing with a mud pit here at the Homestead!
Thanks for checking in! Let us know if we could pray for you, we would love to! Check out the picture below I took of God's beautiful Creation here at the Homestead!
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