We added to our flock towards the end of last year as most of our hens were getting older and we knew that they would stop laying soon. They lay good for about 2 years and then start slowing down. We had some 3 year old hens and they were hardly laying anymore. We ended up getting some Black Australorps (my favorite chicken), and some Silver Laced Wyandottes. They are beautiful hens. I also got a couple roosters as we are planning to start hatching our own chickens. Stayed tuned for videos on hatching chicks.
The problem is that we are currently in the "between" stage. The older hens aren't laying and the newer hens haven't started. This is starting to stink as our family eats a ton of eggs. We hate store bought eggs. (see our video showing the difference between farm fresh eggs and store bought eggs here)
Our new hens should start laying any day. Actually, they are slacking! They should of been laying a few weeks ago! I think the weather has affected them and slowed down the process. But hopefully we will be getting some wonderful farm fresh eggs soon. We also sell a few dozen a week. It actually pays for all the feed, so it is a great help to us.
I am REALLY looking forward to Spring! The chickens hate coming out in the snow. Once the snow melts they are out from morning to night! Spring is so refreshing. I love to see the woods and fields come alive. It is beautiful I'm looking forward to the major things we will be doing at the Homestead and we look forward to sharing it with you! We have some awesome things in the works.
Thank you for following and we appreciate the emails and love that many of you have given to us! It means a lot. God bless and thanks for following! -Steve