2015 was a mixed bag. A lot of good and some setbacks. But that is what comes with this life we live. We overdid it on a couple projects and really stretched our financial limits! We took a year debt free pledge (check out the form here). We are striving to be totally debt free within a couple of years. It will take some work, but we do not want to become slave to the lender, we want to totally honor the Lord with our finances.
Our chickens have really slowed down on their laying and we think we know why. They normally do this time of year due to the cold, but not to this extent. We think that ten or so have just reached the end of their egg laying ability. They are going on three years old and that can happen. We will be getting more chickens in March. One of our projects this year is to hatch our own chicks so we will never have to purchase them again.
We are also planning on raising meat chickens and hatching them as well. We are going to invest in a chicken plucker and set up a butchering station. We want to eventually branch out into raising turkeys as well, but hatching egg laying and meat chickens will be our major project for 2016.
One thing we have learned is that we have to space out our projects and we realize that this is a never ending lifestyle! We will always be busy and have tons to do. We are so excited about the future and where the Lord is leading.
I hope the New Year finds you all well and may the Lord bless you !