Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
What a wonderful God we serve!
There is something about a new year that brings a newness to life. I can't explain it. I'm not really into New Years Resolutions for myself. I don't particularly think they are bad, I just never have been able to follow through on most of mine! This year I have made a semi-resolution. I have decided to slow down a bit and enjoy life. I actually started that this year, but am carrying it over into 2020.
As I look back on the blessing of this land that the Lord gave us, I realized how quickly 6 plus years has went. I have been so busy doing stuff, that I haven't enjoyed the process. Time to enjoy getting there!
In other news.....Payton is doing great. She just turned 4 months and she is a blessing to our family. She is beautiful and healthy. It is amazing how fast time goes by. It just seems like she was born! Mama is doing great as well. Janel works from home for a few hours each morning so I usually get up with Payton. It has been amazing to spend those times alone with her. I am so thankful for this beautiful baby girl!
Our daughter Hannah is about to have her first book published! We are soooo excited. We will offer it on the website once it is out. It will be for sale on Amazon and other retailers as well. I am so proud of her. She worked hard on this book and the publisher should have the final copy done in a month or so. The name of the book is called "Rebel Heart". I can't wait to see the first copy in book form. She is 16 years old and is an outstanding writer.
Finally....here is a little encouragement! As we look around us, there is a lot of turmoil in this world. So much hate. So much pain. Watching the news or scrolling through social media can be depressing. To see the vitriol that is out there can be very disheartening! To see the nations rising up against one another, or rumors of wars, those things can bring fear.
We've been going through the book of Proverbs this week for our family devotions. One of the verses the kids picked out when we were in chapter 16 was verse 9. The verse says:
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
It was interesting how well the kids understood that verse. Think about how many times you have made plans, yet what actually happened was totally different than what you had planned. No matter what men may plan or scheme, The Most High God is in control. He directs our paths.
That brings me so much comfort and peace. It is so easy to get caught up in the "rage of the day" that is sweeping through the news or through social media. But knowing that our King is sovereign and rules this world is amazing. Don't forget that. We do not have a spirit of fear as Christians. We serve the Creator of all things. That should bring us so much joy and peace. Rest in the beautiful promises of God!
Below I posted a couple video's I just uploaded. One is a "how to" video and the other is a review. Check them out! -Steve