We do a lot of camping/hiking as a family during the spring-summer-fall seasons. We recently finished a 3 day camping trip at the cabin. Janel's family has a cabin in the Allegheny forest. It is a beautiful secluded spot in the woods. We go there a bunch during the year. It makes for a nice getaway and the best thing is that there is no phone service! We get to totally unplug and relax. I also get to cook all our meals over an open fire. Check out the breakfast I cooked with Schwan's food here.
Below is a video I did this past week of a project I was working on. We are getting our next batch of 60 meat chickens in 2 weeks and I wanted to install a new door so they will be able to go in and out as they please during the day. As I do with everything, I try to stay on a strict budget. I did everything for less than $50. I will also be doing a new video on raising and processing meat chickens as we have some new and improved ways we will be showing you all. Our last couple videos on meat chickens have gotten a ton of reviews and it has been fun answering the many questions I get.
We have more videos and projects coming....in reality, I have a bunch of videos that I just have to make time to edit. Making the videos is the easy part, the editing is the time consuming part. But it is so much fun to put something together and see the end product. I love it!
Well until next time God bless you all. Thank you for all the kind words and comments we get whether through just the general comments or through private messages, we thank you! God has been good to us as He always has been. Life is great. It's nice to take time to reflect on His goodness and to give thanks. We have so much to be thankful for. Take care! -Steve