The Top Bun: This is your topic sentence. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph. It also summarizes the main idea of a paragraph.
The Filling (we have lettuce, tomato, cheese and the burger but you can add more if you'd like): These are the supporting sentences & body of your paragraph. They discuss the idea & topic sentence using examples and important information.
The Bottom Bun: The conclusion is "summing" up all you have learned about the topic you stated in the topic sentence (top bun). It is not simply re-writing the sentence but really stating it in a way to show all you've learned about the topic in a clear and simple summarizing sentence.

We were writing a paragraph about the importance of Thanksgiving. We read some books and watched some neat videos on YouTube about the history of the Pilgrims and their brave journey to the New World.
My daughter then started filling out the Hamburger Worksheet. Tomorrow we'll put it all on notebook paper for our handwriting class. She enjoyed coloring the hamburger parts too!