We learn much from the Bible on these as well! The Leviathan, for instance, is mentioned in the Old Testament a few times so we also read up on that. God's Word is filled with so much science! (check out Job 41 & Psalm 104) The GREAT DELUGE was a big part of our lesson to explain why these reptile's fossils have been found in weird locations like the desert and on top of mountains. Apologia does an incredible job explaining this for the kids to understand and they were filled with complete enthusiasm on this topic.
We talked about the 4 main "saurs":
Nothosaurs-"spurious lizard"
The kids LOVE these and they were fun to make.
Here are some of the products we used for this project! We already had the plastic sea creatures from back when we made the ocean zone bottles! Click here to go to the Ocean Zone Bottle Youtube video!