We set up our lesson in a very similar format to the Research Notebooking Journal we used for Sea Creatures. We used a larger binder this year since our binder last year filled up super fast. We purchased a 1 1/2" binder to hold all the file folders, notebooking pages and activities. There is one colored file folder for each chapter. Check out our YouTube Video on how we put our research notebook together!
We tried to break up each chapter over a 2 week period since we studied this subject at our homeschool co-op. Grades 1st through 4th had this class (each were taught separately by grade).
**Click on our weekly reading schedule to the right to see how we divided up our chapters.**
I am teaching the 4th graders since my daughter is in this class. :) I taught them last year for sea creatures too.
A great group of kids!
The lessons were designed and planned out by a group of talented teachers. I can add my own twist and supplemental activities to mold the lessons to my class though.
It is such a GREAT book to teach!!
Some handy items to have on hand would be: Map of the world (for animal tracking), stickers of a variety of land mammals throughout the world, and mammals of North America (or one for your continent) Field Guide.
**There are some great stickers included in the
Apologia Student Notebooks you can use for tracking on your world maps**
We also placed a Map of Each Continent on our classroom wall.
As we go about each chapter, we'll add animals found in those areas to our maps! I got this fun idea from this site. She provides some fun Land Animals additions to your study. Check them out:
You can print out colored land animal pictures right from this site and even a classification table. It was super helpful!
We used our Map book to print out our continent maps but she also includes links to websites where you can print out free outline maps.

Come back soon to check out our
week-to-week lessons and activities!
Happy Homeschooling!!